Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Table Pneumatics

It seems as though the pneumatic muscles that are necessary to make the table move can either be purchased or made. Shadow Robot Company produces pneumatic muscles: http://www.shadowrobot.com/shop.shtml. These websites gives some instructions on how these muscles can be made: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-air-muscles!/ and http://www.instructables.com/id/Pneumatic-Muscles/. The first site gives links to where the materials can be purchased.

The pneumatic muscles will be controlled with a compressed air supplier that is connected to a three way solenoid valve/pressure regulator. A good overview of how the system should be developed is given at: http://www.shadowrobot.com/airmuscles/usage.shtml.

Arduino can be utilized to send a signal to the valves to dictate when and how much air will be pumped into the muscle; the third site listed above shows how this can be done. Nivedhitha has been working on sending the signals received from the table proximity sensors to the pressure regulator.

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